Hong Kong Cellist Society 香港大提琴家協會

繁體中文English (United Kingdom)

Words of 2021 by Clara Tsang

Cello is an instrument which when hugged feels warm, it calms your being.  In the Hong Kong Cellist Society, we wish for more people to experience our goal, which is to explore cello music.  Cello music is an art for making music through a cello.  Cello music is not only playing a musical instrument, the vibrations felt by one’s body is special since it becomes your artistic voice.  This artistic voice is connected to your subconscious which you may be unaware of until the music is played out. 


The journey starts here, but there will be more to discover.  You soon will realize there is a hidden treasure in you, which is waiting to be unearthed.  Most of the time, you have never realized that this treasure was a part of you and whether you are ready to understand it before it happens.  From my experience, this realisation is absolutely a shaky yet surprising moment.  When facing this moment, some people escape, they may not be ready or see the value yet.  There are some who will be on the edge to continue because they have plenty of considerations.  In this instance, the Society provides you with cello music events to get through your music journey better.  The door is also open for cello lovers who may be interested in learning.


Despite the Covid outbreak and lockdowns this year, you may find some articles introducing an unforgettable master’s cello music pieces and it’s stories, and other columns which bring exciting new compositions for cellists to explore.  You may also find the shares by Hong Kong cellist like Chor Kai Hei.  


An event “Time travel with Cellist Brian Bromberg” was held in early November to share how cello music was developed during different periods of time.  Towards the end of the month in our member event,  Mr. Billy Chan, the professional dancer, will lead us to discover the body-mind connection through the movement activities before the performance training.


At the end of the year, let us celebrate and look forward to the writing from Mr. Larry Ng, a professional mime,  who will share how he  interprets and uses cello music in his mime performances.   


Last but not least, if you love cello music, why don’t you give yourself a opportunity to touch and experience this amazing instrument by applying to our ongoing promotion courses designed for music lovers including adults and kids.   “A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”  Hope to share this beautiful journey with you.


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