Hong Kong Cellist Society 香港大提琴家協會

繁體中文English (United Kingdom)

31-JAN-2010 - Guitar Fest

guitar fest

結他匯Guitar Fest

門票現已公開發售Tickets are now avail able


10% off for Hong Kong Cellist Society Members (Please show your membership card when purchase)

購票熱線Booking Hotline2728 7906

Neris Gonzalez

Neris Gonzalez生於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯,11歲時開始跟隨Marcela Oviedo學習古典結他。高中畢業後入讀南美洲首間流行音樂學院EMPA,主修爵士結他,跟隨多位音樂大師學習探戈、爵士樂以及民族音樂。2000年移居美國,其間與多位著名藝術家及探戈、藍調、拉丁樂隊同台演出,包括Lauren Hill, Ricardo Montaner, Al Dimeola, Valeria Lynch等,此外,他還替電視廣告和電台錄製音樂。他現居於西班牙馬德里,專注設計及製造自家品牌的結他。

Neris Gonzalez was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at age of 11 he started studying classical guitar with Marcela Oviedo. After finishing High School he decided to enroll in EMPA, first Popular Music School in South America, where he graduated in Jazz Guitar Music after studying with renowned masters in Tango, Jazz and Folk music. In year 2000 he moved to USA, where he performed with artist such as Lauren Hill, Ricardo Montaner, Al Dimeola, Valeria Lynch as well with several Tango Orchestras, Blues bands, and Latin Music Bands. He also record music for TV commercials and Radio. At this moment he resides in Madrid where he concentrates on designing and making unique guitars with his own label.

周啟良Stephen Chau

周啟良為香港最活躍的結他演奏家,曾獲香港結他大賽古典組冠軍及獎學金到西班牙參加聖地牙哥音樂節。後赴西班牙馬德里皇家音樂學院深造,師從多位著名結他演奏及作曲家如Manuel BarruecoLeo Brouwer等。周氏除經常作獨奏演出外,亦參與室樂演奏,此外曾錄製《Duet》及《六弦新世界》兩張結他室樂專輯。

Stephen Chau is the most active guitarist in Hong Kong who began studying the classical guitar in 1980. He had won the first Prize at the Hong Kong Guitar Festival, Classical Section and scholarship to participate in Musica en Compostela in Spain. In 1987, he furthers his study at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Musica in Madrid, studying under renowned guitarists and composers, among them Manuel Barrueco and Leo Brouwer. In addition to solo performances, Stephen is also keen on chamber music; he has recorded two albums on guitar chamber music, Duet (1996) and Guitar New Age (2005).

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